Isn't she just the cutest!
Pretty strong neck muscles for only being three days old. It only wore her out a little.
Coming home!
So here we are 3 days into our entirely new life. In spite of the doctors telling us we would have to stay for 2-3 days after the c-section things have progressed so well that they sent us home after only a day and a half! Now we are on day two and under our own roof and things couldn't be better, unless Olive Garden was catering dinner.
Now it is time to back up, since our last post, Melanie was able to hold her little girl for the first time on Saturday morning at about 11:00. Both baby and mom bawled and all dad could do was sit there... bald. Saturday night they released Addy from the special nursery now they can't call it the "special" nursery. She gave us a run for our money that first night but night number two went to the parents. We certainly have learned a few tricks of the trade since then. Even though she can't speak, she has a way of letting us know what she needs and once those are met then she is content. What a great teacher she is. All we have to know is the guess and check method. Nursing was tricky at first but then we let Melanie give it a whirl and it has seemed to have worked a lot better. I have certainly been humbled having never changed a dirty diaper prior to Saturday. With Melanie taking care of the nursing and making the "deposits", I get to deal with the "withdrawls". Trust me on that, you can take it to the bank. We have also learned it is easier than we thought to figure out why a baby is fussing. It could be any of the following: poopy pants, wet pants, hungry belly, gassy belly, hot, cold, room to light, room to dark, too much noise, not enough noise, blanket too loose, blanket too tight, something mom ate (broccoli), something mom didn't eat enough of (chocolate), and of course arbitrary crying. So see folks this parenting stuff is not that hard, you just have to go through the list and then keep adding to it. Lucky for us, we have Melanie's mom here to help interpret the baby talk. Also we have a very well mannered baby which helps us as parents figure things out somewhat quickly. Check back with us later to see what else we learned along the way.
She is SO cute! And so tiny!:)
Mitch, you crack me up! Deposits and withdrawls! Bald! And I can't believe you'd never changed a dirty diaper before Saturday! I bet you'll get pretty good at it.
We walked by your house yesterday after church and saw that you were home, but we didn't stop in because we wanted to give you a few days of family time before we intrude:) I'm so glad that you're all home safe and healthy.
Thanks for the list of possible reasons a baby cries. Hopefully it will come in handy some day.
She is super cute! And, it is so fun reading your posts Mitch! It's been a long time. I can totally see you and hear you saying it all. Too bad we don't live closer. We miss our friends. Have fun with the new one, and good luck with all the learning!!!!
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