As exciting as that all may seem Melanie wanted me to write about our trip to the Nations Capitol. (That's Washington D.C. if any of you were wondering). As some of our loyal readers may know my sister Lindsay got married on Saturday the 23rd to Young Bei Michael Yeah. He is Korean and he is awesome!!! Not only do I really think he is great, but if I said anything negative he could kill me in like 27 different ways (some of them painful). Anyway welcome to the family Mike.
The wedding was fabulous. Both Mike and Lindsay have many friends and family so there was a large number of people. Many of whom came from across the country and even the world to attend. They were married in the D.C. temple and had a luncheon at the Mount Vernon Inn, which is the restaurant in Mount Vernon (George Washington's homestead). It was southern BBQ serve colonial style. After the food had been eaten and the cake demolished we watched Mike and Lindsay take place in some traditional Korean marital cerimonies with their parents and grandparents. I wish very much that I could remember what it was called but nonetheless it was actually very cool and humbling even at parts. The couple had to bow to their parents and they had to go lower than their elders which meant they were pretty much flat on the ground. Then there was the part where the parents throw Dates up in the air and Mike and Lindsay had to catch them with a cloth. (This was similar to catching water baloons with a towel as a kid.) Anyway, however many Dates they caught is supposed to be the number of kids they have.....11! Needless to say they ended things shortly after this point and left for the honeymoon. Of course that wasn't before the final step of Mike having to parade around with his mother, grandmother and my mother on his back. One at a time of course. I told you he is strong. Remember I love you Mike. And that was the wedding...except that I have to add that my AWESOME wife made the three lighter yellow dresses for the girls in the following pics. Don't get jealous she can make you one too for the right price.
As for the rest of ther trip it was busy and full of fun. Melanie and I arrived on Thursday night and met up with my brother from Texas and his wife. We had a gourmet burger at Goodstuff Burgers and walked around some monuments. Interesting note, we heard here that the artist that scuplted Abraham Lincoln in his Memorial had just learned of american sign language at the time and therefore sculpted his hands in the shapes to form his initials. As we looked we noticed that it is not painfully obvious, but definitley leads to the assumption that the story is true.
On Friday we went to the Botanical Gardens and hung out at the pool with the rest of the fam that had shown up that day. This was actually a slower day as we had to prep for the big event the following day.
Saturday was of course the wedding and the weather was beautiful. So much so that we went to a baseball game later that evening at Nationals Stadium. It was the Battle of the Beltways which means they were playing against the Orioles who play only about 40 minutes away. It was a great experience. Mel and I always love big League ball parks. The game itself was a bit uneventful, but still a wonderful experience especially for the few kids that came along with us, and even the other adults who were acting like kids.
Sunday we broke the Sabbath and went to the National Zoo to see the Panda bears and the newborn baby Gorilla. Because of it being Memorial day weekend we decided to not fight the parking and ride the Metro into the Zoo. Great Idea!! except we had 15 kids with us. It was a bit chaotic but we all made it safely...eventually. After the Zoo and aquick bite to eat we headed to the National Mall. No not a shopping mall, its where the monuments are Deborah. We walked to the White House and took a few pics. Next was our big surprise. We paraded back to the Museum of Natural history in the Smithsonian with all of the 15 kids, who by this time were exhausted and beat. Now they didn't know why we had to keep going instead of heading back home, but once we got in line at the Johnson Imax theater in the Smithsonian they knew what was next and their entire attitude transfromed... it was time to watch "Night at the Museum, Battle at the Smithsonian." There were actually two battles for us. One of course was the battle in the movie, but the first was the battle to get into the movie. There was definitely a large crowd pushing in to get the best seats. It reminded me of waiting for doors at Macy's to open at 4:00 am on Black Friday. No casualties though and the kids had an incredible time.
On Monday Melanie and I went back to Mount Vernon to finish what we could not do on Saturday. It was gorgeous. If any of you reading this are ever in the D.C. area go to Mount Vernon. It is well worth it. George Washington was a remarkable man.
By the way this picture of the brick building is George Washington's tomb.
Then we flew home..........THE END.
1 comment:
Welcome back, guys!
OK, Mitch. How did you know I was going to ask why you went to a mall with 15 kids?!:)
I LOVE Mount Vernon! I went there as a kid for my 8th grade trip. I thought it was the most beautiful place I'd ever seen.
Mitch, you're sister is beautiful! Congrats to her and her husband. I love that they did Korean rituals at their wedding. That's neat.
Melanie, you are too talented for your own good! If I tried to make those dresses, they'd be paying me NOT to sew anymore! And I totally forgot you had bangs:) They still look so cute on you.
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