Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Shoes and Socks

So this really isn't the best picture of Addy girl but I just have to document one successful moment I've had as a parent!  Since they don't happen all that often.  Notice in the picture how she is wearing 'running' shoes, well she also has socks on under those shoes!  This girl HATES socks especially when she has to wear shoes with them.  Every time I would try and make her wear them it would end in the biggest tantrum ever. So I eventually gave up and in the winter she would wear boots without socks and she would wear sandals to church.  
Well in a few weeks our neighborhood is going on a ward pioneer trek and I really wanted her and Mitch to go.  Problem:  they have to walk about 30 miles.  I knew she was going to need some comfortable shoes.  We went out looking a couple of times and every time came home empty handed because she'd kick the shoe across the room and ripped the sock off her foot.  No fun for me.  
Then we started looking at shoes online and I saw some that had lights. That got her excited.  So before we even left for the store, I had her put socks on her feet so she could adjust to them before we got to the store (one lessons I learned from previous experience). When we got in the store I had her pick out the ones she liked. Honestly I didn't really care how much they cost just so long as she would wear them.  Turns out she tried on lots of different pairs and we left with the first ones she tried on with them on her feet.  It was a miracle.  There was no crying by me or her and the best part...she still wears them!

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