Monday, January 6, 2014

Building Muscles

 It really didn't take long for this little man to adjust to his casts.  In fact I think that he enjoys having them on.  He loves to pick up his legs and then smack them down on the floor because it makes a loud thump.  He will also click his ankles together because that makes a great noise as well.  Just think of the muscle strength he is developing in his abs every time he lifts his legs in the air!  There are a couple of drawbacks, 1- they are impossible to keep clean…blowouts are the worst just ask the poor babysitter who had to try and clean the last one up! 2- they snag on fabric and make it a little more difficult to carry him around, which really isn't that big of a deal I just have to be careful with what I wear. Mostly it is just trying to keep him and the casts clean that is a pain.

At least I still look cute no matter what!

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