Monday, July 27, 2009

My Pre-walking Child

My mom and dad have this little toy shopping cart which Addy loves to play with. Mostly she just likes to dump all the toys out of it. The first time she was playing with it, I stood her up to see if she would be able to push it. Well, it was pretty funny because she pushed and the arms went out straight but the legs stayed in the same place and then she slowly lowered herself down to her knees. Now she has figured it out and will go up and down the hallway until she gets stopped by the wall. The scary part is that pretty soon she will be doing this without the cart! Yikes!


Frances said...

You are going to have your hands full pretty soon there! She is getting so big, and as adorable as ever!

aLi said...

uh-oh! Good luck with that one, Mel. This is the time when I finally lost the baby weight, from all the chasing.
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