We raced into the laundry room because that is where we heard the noise and we see water spraying everywhere. Mitch ran downstairs into the bathroom to shut the water off and noticed that it was also covered with water and that the water just kept coming. In the meantime I saw that the water was draining down the heating vents so I grabbed a few buckets and pots and ran downstairs to try and catch the rest that was still draining. Everywhere I looked it seemed I needed another bucket to catch another drip.
Eventually we got as much water mopped up with towels and the draining mostly stopped so I started taking pictures of the damage. The worst of it was in the bathroom and furnace room just below the laundry room so we shut the heat off in order to prevent further damage with a fire. The other two bedrooms had water coming out of the vent so the carpet was wet and I think our printer is ruined because it was right under one of the vents.
Then we went to bed but of course we couldn't sleep. Around 7:00 this morning we called a cleaning and restoration company who came and looked around and then started drying us out. It is amazing the kind of equipment they have to dry stuff out with. Obviously the drywall was soaked but they don't think they will have to replace it because they have a nifty tool to dry it out but they will have to re-tape and texture some areas in the ceiling that had pools of water. And they torn out the carpet pad in the two bedrooms because we got a nice pad last year when we bought the carpet that had a water guard or something like that and so they couldn't suck the water out of it. They still aren't sure about the furnace but they think we may be able to get a new kitchen and dining room floor which would be awesome because we hated the tile job that the previous owners had done but we won't really know until an adjuster comes out to examine the damage.
(these pictures aren't really in order but this is the laundry room once the washer and dryer moved- it is really hard to see the water on the floor but trust me it was there)
(our nice friends at Advanced Cleaning and Restoration trying to dry us out)
(the hose that cracked and water was spraying out of)
(this is the bathroom that got the most water but not necessarily the worst damage)
(one of the bedrooms that we had to use buckets to catch all the water)
(this just shows the seepage and bulging)
(one of the buckets I had under one small drip that I still had to dump a couple of times)
(you can sort of see the water dripping out of this vent but this picture was taken after most of the water had already drained out)
(all of the windows in our house looked like this)
(the kitchen after we had mopped up most of the water)
Overall I am just very grateful that we have home owners insurance and that we are getting a little more money back from our taxes than we originally thought so that will help pay for the deductible. More than anything I am just glad that Mitch and I are able to laugh at these sorts of things even though deep down you just want to cry. I just hope this isn't suppose to be a learning experience for something else in the future because I would hate to know what that is.
Oh Melanie! I'm so sorry. If there is ANYTHING we can do, please let us know. If you need to come over and do laundry PLEASE use our washer and dryer. We would love to be able to help.
I hope that you can get everything in order soon.
I can feel your pain. This time last year our basement flooded because one of our above ground sprinkler pipes burst. Luckily for us our basement is not finished, so we didn't have the damage you do. But there are still times when I hear a loud noise and panic thinking my basement is flooding again.
Seriously, though, please let us help.
That's a lot of water problems in one week! I'm glad you were able to get someone there so quickly. I hope this is the last of your trouble for a while!
Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry that happened. Flooding is one of the worst things. I'm glad that you caught it before it got too bad. I hope everything dries well. I'm so sorry!
AAAAAH!!! That sounds AWFUL! We had a very minor flood, with no damage, but it sure got our adrenaline going. I am SO glad you guys have home owners insurance and that this will turn out better than it could have. Good luck with picking out new carpet! :)
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