Then the other day I was folding the laundry when the idea came to me that I should just make my own. I thought about using ribbon but knew that would never stay on for long because it wasn't stretchy. So then elastic pops into my head but that will just look goofy because I would have to cover it with fabric but what kind and am I really that skilled of a seamstress? probably not. While thinking through all of this, I pick up a pair of Addy's tights to fold...wala...TIGHTS!! they are stretchy and I definately wouldn't have to cover them with fabric because that just wouldn't work.
I quickly finish folding the laundry and start digging around trying to find an old pair of tights (they'd have to be old because I never wear them). I dig through the underwear drawer and in the back are an old pair of white tights. Actually, they looked brand new because I bet they only got worn once. I pull out the sewing machine and dig through some scrapbooking accessories and tada....this is what came from my spontaneous creativity!
Super cute baby headbands!! and the best part was, I didn't even have to spend a dime!
That is such a good idea and they look so cute!
Way to go you! Those are dang cute. What a cute idea to use tights.
holy cow that is soo cute! Mel you did a great job! That is my latest fetish these days.
If you go to Wal-mart and find their bins of knee-highs in the women's hosiery department you can make a whole lot more for cheap! I buy a pair for 33 cents. And voila you have 2 headbands!
Oh, and I just ran into an awesome website for making bows and buying headbands.
theribbonretreat dot com
EXCELLENT! Way to go Mel!
I will have to post some pictures of my first EVER craft that I've done all by myself~ BOWS! and Headbands! (Though I had to have TONS of help to get me started.)
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