Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Table Rock

One of the biggest reasons my mom came up for the week was so we could go hike Table Rock.  She's been wanting to do it for quite some time and finally convinced us (or maybe I volunteered) to tag along.  
So excited to start out!!!
Going through the Jedidiah wilderness.  It was such a pretty time of year to go because the flowers were huge and green.


See that tiny little knob behind us?  That is where we were headed.

Getting closer but still have quite a ways to go!
So I don't have any pictures of us at the top because sadly we never made it that far.  As we were heading up the switch backs, the sky kept getting darker and darker but we kept pushing on.  If you look in the picture above, we made it all the way up to the top of the ridge, so just after a super steep part, when it started raining.  We kept hiking a little bit further along the ridge cause we were so close, but then we started seeing lightening and decided we really shouldn't be it's next target. So we quickly ran back down the trail with the rain pouring down and heard some serious thunder and I'm sure there was some great lightening but I stopped looking for it cause it was too scary!
After running down the trail for awhile and feeling a little more save, we stopped for a picture.
Have I mentioned how beautiful everything was?
My mom had a very unique way of getting across the logs!

Going back through the beautiful flowers.

Almost back to the was also about this time that I accidentally peed on some stinging nettle.  That made for a very uncomfortable walk down the trail!
Exhausted but also a little disappointed we hadn't been able to make it to the top.
Also just a little bit dirty from all the mud.
We had such a fun time even though I thought I might die at a couple of those steep parts.  And since we didn't make it all the way up, we are just going to have to do it again next year!

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