I know it has been awhile since I last posted but I have been out of town. Mitch decided to do some temporary work for APX at the beginning of the summer and so all last week he was in Alaska so I went down to stay at my parents house. He did make it home for our doctors appointment yesterday and then he left early this morning. I know all of you are dying to know what we found out at our appointment even though you have probably already guessed but IT'S A GIRL!! We are super excited, plus everything looked really normal considering the parents she is coming from. We did get a good laugh because you could see the ears and if any of you have seen Mitch's baby pictures he has huge dumbo ears (i'll have to post a picture later) and so that is one trait we are hoping does not get passed down but from what we could see it isn't looking good. I am so excited to finally be able to start shopping and now we can cut our name choices in half but I still don't think that is going to make the choice any easier. If anyone has any cute girls names feel free to share.