Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dance Performance

We decided to put Addy in a little dance/gymnastics class this year.  She is constantly dancing around and doing tricks so of course she loves it!  They had their first little performance at a basketball game in Sugar City.  She was so excited and did such a good job.  They dance to the song 'No more monkey's jumping on the bed'  so their costumes are little monkeys.  Pretty fitting for her personality.  She'd been practicing lots but I wasn't sure how she would do in front of lots of people.  Turns out she is a natural performer.  Too bad the phone wasn't actually recording like we thought it was so we have no evidence of her awesomeness.  Hopefully next time we can capture it.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Oh my goodness, she's so cute!! I bet everyone just loved it. Too bad you didn't get to record it, but the pictures are cute.