Thursday, March 22, 2012

Fred Shorts Day

I'm sure many of you are wondering what Fred Shorts Day is?  Well... it was just two short years ago that we were first invited to celebrate this holiday.  From that moment on I have felt like a more complete person.  I now know the true story behind the invention of shorts and the struggles of a young Fred working on a beet farm.  It truly is something we should all celebrate!  So next year on the Monday following St. Patrick's day, feel free to dress in as much purple as you'd like, eat as many purple foods as you can and don't forget to wear some shorts.

The Fred Shorts Impersonation

Let the races begin!
To begin, place your shorts on your head.

 At the sound of GO, take your shorts off your head and put them on. 
Once they are at your waist; run as fast as you can and touch the wall, turn around and run back.
 Take off your shorts and place them back on your head.
 This little girl was quite the champion!!

I took on Liz.

 And who could beat this awesome form!

This dynamic duo....we knew it would be a little dangerous.

 We just didn't quite realize the damage they would cause!

Have no fear, I totally creamed him as well.

 Let me introduce you to the group who inspired this Fred Shorts Celebration.
That one on the far left has been celebrating this day for a couple decades now.

 This is our 2nd year celebrating Fred.

 And this was their first.

As part of the closing ceremony, we performed a smashing hit literally brought the house down...
a fred shorts original sang to the tune of 'take me out to the ball game'.

Until next year!

1 comment:

The LurkFam said...

You guys are a total crack up! No doubts about you coming off triumphant because you pretty much rock.