Thursday, April 3, 2008

Craft Ideas for Girls Camp

So last month I was called as the YW girls camp assistant director which I was and still am really excited about even though I will be hugely pregnant when we go but it will still be way fun. We had our first meeting this past week and quickly realized that none of us have ever done this before so we are extremely unorganized and unprepared but we will learn and it will get better. Needless to say, I sort of volunteered/was assigned the camp craft and I have been searching for ideas online, because no way can I just come up with something on my own. There are so many cute and fun ideas out there but these are my favorite ones. If you have any other suggestions feel free to let me know.

I love these mirrors, I was at IKEA last month and actually bought three of them but they have just been sitting around my house and now I think I am going to decorate them to go into the babies room once we find out what we are having.

Supposedly these are only 1.99 at Michaels and then you just have to decorate them.

These are called Simply Daisy's at Michaels and you decorate them and put a magnet on the back.

These look a little more complicated and maybe out of the price range but such a great idea.

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